Friday, September 22, 2017

Faith and witness.

i believe in God. I believe that Jesus Christ is the embodiment of the spirit of the Almighty God, and I believe that the Holy Ghost is that same spirit of God that dwells in the heart of men and that He is the only salvation that anybody can hope in.
I have had an experience today that has made me think once again on my beliefs which I hold to be truth and on how my experience as a Christian is perceived by many others. I have a friend that I do not think is a Christian but rather believes only in science. He told me today of several things that he believes to be indisputable facts based on the research of certain people. Several of these ideas are in direct conflict with things that I believe. The specifics of these are not important to my thoughts today. The fact is that I believe what I believe based on the experience that I have had and he believes his way based on his experiences. The debate is frustrating because any other belief but his own are refuted as inaccurate and false but I know what I say to be true. My question is, is this how others feel when I tell them my beliefs? And if it is then how do I witness effectively to them?
This is something that I want to learn because I want to be effective in my ministry. I have several friends and family members who I have tried to witness to and tried to show them what I have experienced so that they will have an opportunity to experience the same things that I have yet I feel that they refuse to hear what I have to say. Is it because of how I say things to them comes across as arrogant and closed minded on my part or is it that they are simply hardened against any ideas other than that which they have already decided is true? I just don't know.
What I do know is that the disciples in the Bible spoke the word of God as they were taught to those who were at hand and that they did not make excuses or justify anything that was wrong and they did not leave anything out and they did not pick and choose who they would teach. the Bible has commissioned those of us who have experienced the goodness of His presence to preach the gospel to all the world, That we are to "cast the seed" wherever we go letting it fall where it may, and that only God will provide the increase.

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